Pandanda has been launched!

Saturday, October 24, 2009 ·

Hey Pandas!

There are a TON of updates on Pandanda, and I'm here to blog them to you!

First Off, there are a few new items.

-White Launch Shirt
-Beta Background
-Orange Launch Shirt

If you want to get the orange launch shirt, you have to go to pawthorne forest, and go to the top, right corner. You will go to Misty Hill!

Once there, you can go in the house, and when your inside, move your mouse over to the wall like so:

Once inside, the Orange Launch shirt will be added to your inventory!

It looks like this:

Pretty cool, huh?

Anyway, there is a new clothing catalog!

You can find aton of cool clothing in the Pandanda Collection!

Looks cool, doesn't it?
We also have a new House&Tree Catalog!
Look for all kinds of cool stuff for your treehouse!
and next... Pets have been released! They are Dragons!

They have alot of differen't colored Dragons, but they're only for Elite Members.

You have to take care of them just like a real pet!

Pretty cool!

They have updated the player cards, so make sure to check those out too.

and guess what.... The bunny potion is back AGAIN!


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